About Me

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I am a 53 year old wife and mother living in west central Illinois. I was diagnosed with CIDP in July 2021. This blog is my outlet for all the ups and downs and craziness that is associated with this disease. And to maybe teach people about a disease that is not well known. I plan to be frank and honest and also throw in humor, which, quite frankly, is needed to deal with CIDP and the crap that comes with it.

Thursday, April 13, 2023



It’s been awhile since I’ve posted. It’s been an uneventful couple weeks health wise and I guess that is always a good thing.

I had my first set of infusions without the steroid and so far so good. I am three weeks out from it and no return of any weakness. Hoping my infusions today and tomorrow prove the theory I can go without. They were right that the Solumedrol caused my insomnia, indigestion and red face. Didn’t have any of those symptoms without it. Yay!!

I am also waiting to see how the light therapy will help my hair growth. I have been using the helmet every other night for 25 minutes. I get the occasional snicker from my daughter and my husband wants to fight with light sabers when I have it on, but that is just how we roll at my house. The instructions say to use it for 16 weeks. I am on week 3. I am also using the hair thickening shampoo and conditioner my sister got me. And mixing collagen powder in my coffee every morning. Which she also gave me. She apparently is on a quest to help my plight. God love her.

I really don’t feel I am shedding any more hair, not in copious amounts anyway, but my current hair situation is not the best. I have good and bad days. It’s that whole fight with the image in the mirror. Hey, it looks kind of cute today! Hey, can I just stay home and hide under the covers? Hey, who the hell is that stranger in the mirror? Sometimes, I just want to cut it super short and go full on wig. Which I don’t have any. Delilah, the topper, sits and looks at me every day. I still have not gotten the nerve to wear her.  She got her own Styrofoam head to sit on. I washed her a couple weeks ago and after she dried she got a little wavy. If only she could talk, tell me where she came from. The fact she is real hair is slightly freaky but also I am so curious who the people are that donate their hair. Was it a happy situation? Someone who needed the money? I remember once when my daughter was younger one of the salons in town still took hair for Locks of Love and she donated a good 10 inches of her hair. I was very proud of her. I help comb out her hair every morning and I am so jealous. It is the thickest hair I have ever seen.

I feel like I will be waiting FOREVER to hear more from the government on if my claim was deemed valid. They basically state when they notify you it was received that they have no idea how long the process will take so don’t even ask.

So not a lot to report on lately. Today’s infusion went smoothly and I was in and  out if there in a bit less than 4 hours.  I did some crosswords. Read a book. Played games on my phone. I kind of used to enjoy the downtime, but anymore I just see it as an interruption to my life.  I can’t imagine having to do this for the rest of my life.  Guess I’ll have to wait and see.

                                                               TWELVE WEEKS   I can’t believe it has been since March that I wrote a blo...