About Me

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I am a 53 year old wife and mother living in west central Illinois. I was diagnosed with CIDP in July 2021. This blog is my outlet for all the ups and downs and craziness that is associated with this disease. And to maybe teach people about a disease that is not well known. I plan to be frank and honest and also throw in humor, which, quite frankly, is needed to deal with CIDP and the crap that comes with it.

Monday, May 1, 2023



So, I got a letter this week. Certified. From the government. The Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program has requested more documentation. This seems to be a good thing, on the surface. They are looking at my file, seeing things they need, a real live person appears to be on the job. But when I looked at what they were requesting, my hope flickered just a bit. Because I am quite sure what they want was already sent to them.

1.      Proof of my Covid -19 vaccination

2.      Records from Rush for initial diagnosis

I am 100% sure I sent them a copy of my vaccination card. The whole basis for my claim centered on that. And I have names and dates of the people at Rush who verified they sent my records to this agency.

I have 60 days to respond with what they have asked for. At one point in this holy hell of a process procuring records, I requested they be sent directly to ME, just to have them as a back up. Guess that was a good idea. That might be what saves me here. The letter states they prefer the records directly from the medical facility, but I’m not betting any money I can get that to happen. Especially with a deadline. I will make some calls and try, but my next order of business is copying the records in my possession. It would be lovely to scan them to myself and upload them to the link they provided. My issue is the quantity of pages. Care to guess how many pages of medical records I have from my short stint at Rush? Try 300. When they mailed them to me they printed front and back, but it is still an impressive stack of papers. That will be fun to mail. Certified. So someone will be accountable for their receipt.

This IS a step in the right direction, but I still wonder if after all of this, they might decide I don’t really have a case. That will be incredibly disappointing. I guess I will look at it as glass half full and be glad they have someone assigned to my case, working on it. The email I got letting me know they had “received all the medical records”, now that is hilarious, was on December 19th, 2022. So it’s been a minute. The way it’s going I might have resolution by the time Anna graduates. She’s in 6th grade, by the way.

In other news, still no relapse of symptoms from dropping the Solumedrol steroid. Yay! My next set of infusions is this Thursday and Friday and I am going to push hard to have the next ones be 4 weeks out. I hope I can get the neurologist to agree. My summer will go by much smoother not having to be at the hospital every 3 weeks. We got plans, things to do! My first summer off with my family!

Keeping my fingers crossed. And my thoughts positive.

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