something bad happens, it is human nature to look for the reason why and yes,
even look for something or someone to blame.
We like to think that life is fair. Which is SO not the case.
Non-smokers get lung cancer. Four-year-olds develop brain tumors. Physically healthy people slide into
dementia. It’s a hard life lesson that gets us all. Bad things CAN happen to
good people.
I am not
claiming to be a saint. But when I was diagnosed with CIDP, I looked at my
health so far in my 50+ years, and found it pretty darn good. My only stay in a
hospital up until that point had been when I gave birth to our daughter. I was
rarely sick. My only doctoring was with chiropractors. There wasn’t much ever wrong with me that Tylenol
or sinus medicine couldn’t fix.
So, when
CIDP entered my life, I was blind-sided.
It was not something I caught from someone, it had no clear causes, it
just suddenly became activated. Like a gene flipped on that had been hiding all
Strangely, I can not identify the exact moment that I suspected I DID have something to blame. I think it was before I went to Rush, but I don’t know how much earlier than that. I do know that we connected the dots when we first heard about GBS and that CIDP was the chronic version of that. I have mentioned Guillain-Barrre Syndrome before. If you Google it, it states that it could be brought on after an illness, such as influenza or the stomach flu. These illnesses end up altering nerve cells, so your body sees them as a threat and starts to attack them. In rare cases, surgery or vaccinations can trigger it.
It was that
last one that caught my attention. It is
widely known, even included in commercials now, that some vaccines have an
increased risk of causing GBS. The commercial for the shingles vaccine states
it. The yearly flu shot is another one. So the fact I received the Covid-19
vaccine mere days before my finger numbness started, raised a few flags. I got the first round of the Moderna vaccine
on March 2, 2021. It was a Tuesday. That
weekend was when I first noticed the numbness.
Since we were clueless as to what was happening, I got the 2nd
shot exactly 4 weeks later. We were only doing what was recommended by the WHO.
By then, I had visited my chiropractor
looking for answers, like maybe a pinched nerve, or whatever else might cause
finger numbness. He has been slightly
perplexed because it occurred in both hands, not just one. SO, no, not a
pinched nerve issue.
After my trip to Rush and acquaintances learned of what I was dealing with, someone sent a text to my husband. It included a link to a government website created by the US Department of Health and Human Services. It was called CICP. Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program. Once you clicked on it and navigated around, it listed the Covid-19 vaccine as a valid reason to fill out a claim form. Which I did. My doctor at Rush, after learning of the timing of the vaccine and my onset of symptoms, did not seem surprised in the least. No one in the medical profession, that I have found, would put their hand to the fire and say my CIDP was definitively brought on by the vaccine, but no one ever pooh-poohed the idea either.
I want to state right now that I believe in vaccines. That in itself has become a controversial, sometimes political statement, in our society. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and that is mine. We had to think long and hard and ask a lot of questions before we decided to have our daughter get the Covid-19 vaccine. She did just fine with it. As did my husband. What happened to me, if the Moderna vaccine was the culprit, is extremely rare.
The reasons I decided to pursue the CICP claim are varied. I wasn’t looking to “sue” them for a bunch of money, I was still able to be employed and live a fairly normal life. But if you remember my last post, we owed a crap ton of money in hospital bills. I lost income for all the time I was off. I was losing income currently for my two days of infusions I had to take off work for. I wanted it more widely known that the vaccine COULD cause CIDP. It is a wicked double-edged sword. The vaccine protects some high-risk people from getting dangerously ill and being hospitalized, and the vaccine also creates high-risk people who have to worry about their immune systems now. Part of the reason we decided to vaccinate our daughter was that school is a germ factory and if she happened to catch Covid she might be okay, but giving it to me was now not an option, as I couldn’t really fight it.
Anything concerning the government is frustrating. I initially submitted a claim and requested records from the three medical facilities they required, back in November of 2021. I won’t bore you with the timelines and tedious conversations with records departments, but it was not until December of 2022 that the CICP acknowledged they now had all my records required for them to process my claim. It was an uphill battle. And even the email letting me know we were finally all good stated that they cannot estimate the time it will take to review my file and decide if I have a valid case. Don’t even bother calling to ask. I am basically at their mercy.
So, I continue to try to pay my bills. I have a new job now with actual sick days that I can be paid for and an employer that understands and is interested in my story. I sometimes wonder how my life would look if our family had decided not to get vaccinated. I actually did get Covid in July of 2022. But this post is already entirely too long so I will save that for another day.